The beginning of school and soccer season is a very busy time of the year for us. I am sure many moms can relate to the energy it takes to run a household, work a job and keep up with all of the extra sports or extra curricula events. I don't want to leave the dad's out either, they are very dedicated to their families and my husband seems to handle the stress of it all very well.
I, however, have my moments especially when the hormones are changing if you know what I mean that I feel very tense and stressed. I have moments when I need to refuel or replenish myself. It is not something I am good at either. I tend to go on the computer or do my scrapbooking. Although these are fun things they still require energy and output. I think am coming to a point in my life where I need to be more mature in my contemplative life.
Every morning I try to keep my routine and make sure my bed is made and my room is cleaned. This may seem silly to some but to me it sets aside one room I can always count on to be a place of solitude. I think I will start my new journey here.
I really have not taken advantage of this space in a prayerful way, setting aside some needed quiet time. My head is usually swimming with what kind of things I need to do, to come up with for school etc. etc. What I have to do next and all the typical daily duties.
I know we can offer up every action that we do to God but I also remember St. Benedict's rule was made up of equal amounts of working prayer and non working ( meditative )prayer. This is my next goal for myself, to set some moments and spend it in my private santuary with God. To ponder and grow and refill myself. I am going to get a scented candle because I find a good soothing scent helps to relax and set the mood for calmness. I hope and pray to God to share some more quality time with Him!
I was inspired to write this post from a post I read on "A Little Farm Dairy." It is a wonderful blog that I came across recently and I am so inspired by. I hope if anyone reads this they will pay a visit to this wonderful site.
Nori, you are so kind to mention my little blog in your post! Your room looks like an absolutely wonderful place to find renewal and spend some always needed quality time with God. Enjoy that space my dear!
Posted by: Amy Espinosa @the little farm diary | November 11, 2014 at 07:39 PM